Saturday, January 1, 2011

Zi Neng Qigong 智能气功

Qigong had been practised in China for thousands of years to prevent illness and to cure illness thus making the individuals daily life more satisfying, Martial art exponents also practise qigong to make themselves more lethal.
There are many varieties of qigong and Zhineng Qigong is but one of them. You may have heard about people who practised various forms of qigong ending up suffering from abnormal symptoms. Therefore it is important to select a form of qigong that has none of such adverse symptoms on those who practise it. This is mainly because Zhineng Qigong does not emphasize on circulation the qi in certain fixed paths in the body. Zhineng Qigong is unique in that its main principle rests on exchanging the qi in the body with the qi in the universe.

Qi is perhaps on of the most important and profound concept in Chinese health system. Literally, it means life-breath. It has also been defined as vital energy, lifeforce, ether and bio-electricity. The Chinese believe that Qi fills the Universe and all things are derived from Qi. Perhaps Qi can be described as the source of all things. This universal Qi is known in Zhineng Qigong as Hunyuan Qi

In Zhineng Qigong, the basic theory is the exchange of the body Qi with the Hunyuan Qi. The properties of Hunyuan Qi encompasses all matter in the universe. Using this principle, Zhineng Qigong practitioners are able to direct the flow of Hunyuan Qi into the part of the body that is ill to provide a cure. Since Hunyuan Qi is available in abundance and all is takes is for a trained person to harness it, a Zhineng Qigong student should be able to start using it to treat people perhaps within three to six months of daily pratice. ( Huanyuan Qi can be directed by the mind. Using the mind to concentrate the Hunyuan Qi, it can be transformed into substance. Using the mind in dispersing the substance, it can be reverted to Huayuan Qi.)

The founder of Zhineng Qigong is Prof. Pang Ming who studied western medicine, Chinese traditional medicine and many other forms of Qigong for years before he created Zhineng Qigong which consists the best of the various scientific and medical principles. Having satisfied himself the effectiveness and ease in learning Zhineng Qigong, he introduced the First Set of Qigong exercise in 1980 and before long, it was practised in over twenty provinces in China. Five years later, he introduced the Second Set. In 1991 the Third Set was taught.
There are altogether Six Sets of Zhineng Qigong exercise. Students must be fully conversant with each set and realize the benefits before moving on to the next set, otherwise progress is not possible. It is like making sure that a child can walk before teaching her how to jump. So far, only the first three sets had been introduced and they are:

1st Set Qi Exchange Exercise
2nd Set Using Form to direct Qi &
3rd Set Panto-Element Form.

Happy learning and good luck.....feel fantastic after my first lesson. Thanks Master.

Prof. Pang Ming wrote a number of books and gave many lectures, but virtually none of his work has been translated into other languages. These three key lectures were chosen for translation because they are basic to Professor Pang's teachings. They are full of insights into how the mind influences the body, and how we can use our mind to bring about change.

The lectures are filled with practical examples from Prof Pang's own experiences, making them interesting and easy to follow. He describes how martial arts practitioners can learn to use their mind to strengthen parts of the body, making them able to break stones with their hand, to be impervious to attack, etc. He talks about the effects of different emotions on the body, and relates those to everyday life. He mentions some of the many experiments that were carried out by practitioners who developed the ability to alter states of matter. In one such experiment, two practitioners sent qi to break needles in two, then aligned them and sent qi to rejoin them. Such experiments have been well documented in China but few Westerners know of them. Prof Pang explains how they are achieved and the implications this has for making changes to health.

There are also fascinating stories about patients he knew. One patient, told he had cancer, became extremely ill. When further analysis revealed the first diagnosis was incorrect, he returned to good health. The changes came from his own mind and not from any treatment he received! Another story concerns someone whose workmates told him he had ingested a toxic substance. He became very unwell until the truth was revealed to him.

The first three chapters of the book look at the effects of yishi on life activities, on objective matter and on illness.

Chapter Four gives more precise guidance to practitioners for their actual practice - for example, how to deal with stray thoughts during one's practice - and for other aspects of their life. Guidance here can be especially valuable for anyone who feels they are not advancing as fully as they would like.

Chapter Five deals with illusions and paranormal abilities.
This publication is special because it is not just theory. Its explanations and insights come from someone whose teachings and practices have brought healing to hundreds of thousands of people. While it was written for qigong practitioners, it is relevant to anyone interested in the relationship between our mind and our physical body. Aaron Hoopes, the founder of Zen Yoga, describes it as "A must read for all practitioners of the healing arts".

The China Sports Bureau rated Zhineng Qigong the most health-enhancing of all forms and styles of qigong. Its success is based not just upon the physical movements themselves but also upon insights Prof Pang had into the human mind. His understandings can enrich our practice and enable us to transform our health and our life.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Zhineng Qigong

Technorati Profile

Information for studying Qigong?
Qigong has four major areas of application:

1. Spiritual Qigong (Tao Gong). As a spiritual discipline, qigong leads to self-awareness, tranquillity, and harmony with nature. The spiritual aspect of qigong evolved from Taoism.

2. Physical Qigong (Wu Gong). In sports and martial arts, qigong is the key to strength, stamina, coordination, speed, flexibility, balance, and resistance to injury. Qigong exercises can improve performance in any sport, improving the golf drive, tackling ability in football, accuracy in tennis, and stamina in swimming...etc.

3. External Qi Healing (Wei Qi Zhi Liao). Qigong includes a sophisticated system of health assessment and non-contact treatment called External Qi Healing (EQH). The healer learns to tap into a well of healing energy in nature and "funnel" it through his or her body. Unlike some purely intuitive systems, EQH includes exercises that increase sensitivity to energy fields and efficacy of treatment. The more you practice External Qi Healing exercises and meditations, the more effective your healing treatment. External Qi Healing techniques may be used as a stand alone form of wellness treatment or may be combined with massage, acupuncture, Therapeutic Touch, osteopathy, or any other form of body-work. Because treatment is generally performed at a distance from the body, EQH does not violate psychotherapists' professional ethics (which do not allow touching the patient) and is thus an ideal adjunct to body-centered psychotherapy.

4. Healing Qigong (Zhineng Qigong). Self-Healing Qigong (sometimes call "Self-Cure Qigong") is the preventive and self-healing aspect of human practice. We are all exposed to stress. Qigong teaches us how to control our reactions to stress so that life events do not cause such symptoms as high blood pressure, frustration, or anxiety....... Healthy people practice qigong to become super-healthy. Healers use qigong to prevent "healer burn-out" and to maintain a positive presence.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Learn Zhineng Qigong


1. Head touches sky, feet stepping into earth.
(Extend head up into the void through the blue sky and feet step deep down into the void through the earth until you are one with the universe.)

2. Body relaxes mind expands.
(Relax entire body and expand mind awareness in all directions into the universe to blend with Hunyuan Qi of the void nature.)

3. Be respectful and stay calm within.
(Respect Zhineng Qigong Science, teachers, practitioners, revere own’s practice and everything around you. This respectful state will result in tranquility within the self.)

4. Mind is clear and maintain a reverent attitude.
(Maintain the clarity of mind and reverent attitude. Clarity is continuation of tranquility with the mind as clear as crystal clear water. Reverence is the extension of respect which allows condition of inner respect to be expressed with a corresponding reverent external demean our.)

5. No stray thoughts.
(Just dwell in the qigong state without any stray thoughts.)

6. Expand mind awareness into universe.
(Expand mind awareness deep into the great void essence and merge with the universe Hunyuan Qi.)

7. Withdraw mind awareness back into body.
(Withdraw mind awareness inward bringing together Hunyuan Qi from universe deep into the body.)

8. Entire body is harmonized with Hunyuan Qi.
(The entire body is filled with Hunyuan Qi and you are completely relaxed.)

Lift Qi Up And Transmit Qi Down Method
Diagram in progress........

First Step:
(Front Up And Transmit Qi Down Posture)

Second Step:
(Side Up And Transmit Qi Down Posture)

Third Step:
(Front Side Up And Transmit Qi Down Posture)

(Three Point Centers Merge Posture)

Human bady - basic point. (click to view)

Monday, May 25, 2009


The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals, not cold water, maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating.
It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal.. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.
Common Symptoms Of Heart Attack...
A serious note about heart attacks - You should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting . Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line .
You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know, the better chance we could survive.
(Wrote by Dr. Jeff Lin. 16-2-2009)
中國人和日本人吃飯的時候喝熱茶,而不是喝冰開水,我們應該學習中國人和日本人的飲食習慣。 吃過飯之後喝一杯冰冷的飲料的確很舒服,然而,冷開水會使你剛剛吃下肚的油膩膩的食物凝結在一起,而且會使胃腸的消化作用變慢,一旦這一大坨像爛泥的東西碰到胃酸,就會分解而很快地被腸子吸引,它會附著在腸壁上,沒多久它就會變成脂肪,而導致癌症,所以說,吃過飯之後最好還是喝一碗熱湯或一杯溫開水。

Monday, September 1, 2008


您是否知道,等我们到了 65 岁:

1% 的人极其富有。 身体健康欠佳!
4% 的人家境优裕。 健康欠佳!
5% 的人为生活所迫仍在工作。 健康每况愈下!
54% 的人入不敷出,必须依靠家人或政府的资助。 亦是医院常客!
36% 的人已经与世长辞。 您希望成为其中哪一类人?

** 5% 最富有的人是赚取佣金和利润的企业主;那
在 5% 最富有的人之中,极少有人是受过高等教育、